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Security and Data Access Overview

This page provides an overview of what data Terramate CLI and Terramate Cloud access and process through the various integrations. Terramate follows a unique approach by shifting all orchestration capabilities to the client site via Terramate CLI.

Because of that, Terramate CLI and Terramate Cloud are designed to be highly secure, meaning that:

  • Terramate doesn't require any access to your cloud accounts.
  • Terramate doesn't require any access to your state files.
  • Terramate doesn't require any access to your source code.

This differentiates Terramate highly from other solutions such purpose-built CI/CD platforms for IaC in the market, since those mostly require broad access to your state and cloud accounts in order to deploy changes.

For details, please consider the following sections on this page.

Terramate CLI

Per default, Terramate CLI does not process or sync any data to Terramate Cloud.

When authenticating Terramate CLI with Terramate Cloud via the terramate cloud login command, plan files such as Terraform plans and metadata such as Git metadata can be synced optionally for Pull Requests, Deployments, and Drift Detection Checks.

For details, please consider the Cloud Sync section.

Cloud Sync

Terramate CLI optionally allows you to sync plans and metadata to Terramate Cloud, allowing you to provide better Pull Request Previews, Deployment Insights, Drift Detection, Asset Management, Policies, and more.

Syncing data to Terramate Cloud requires explicit opt-in, and is available for the following operations:

For example, the following command creates a plan file preview.tfplan in all stacks, and syncs those as Pull Request Previews to Terramate Cloud:

terramate run \
  --terraform-plan-file=preview.tfplan \
  -- \
  terraform plan -out preview.tfplan -detailed-exitcode

This will:

  1. Run the command terraform plan -out preview.tfplan -detailed-exitcode in each stack, which will run terraform plan and safe the plan to a file preview.tfplan in each stack.
  2. Terramate will then sanitize those plans to redact all sensitive values.
  3. Once sanitized, Terramate will sync all plan files to Terramate Cloud and bundle them as a new Pull Requests Preview.

Sanitizing the plans guarantees that no sensitive data such as secrets, certificates or any other form of sensitive data will be sent to Terramate Cloud. To learn more about how plan sanitization works, please see the Plan sanitization section in this page.

Once finished, Terramate Cloud will summarize of all plans inside the Pull Request in your VCS.

Pull Request Preview

Which Data gets synced from Terramate CLI to Terramate Cloud

Whenever syncing operation such as Pull Request Previews, Deployments and Drift Checks from Terramate CLI to Terramate Cloud, Terrmate CLI will sync the following data:

ScopeAccess / Data Processed
Pull Request APINumber, Title, Body, Labels, Draft, Head branch, base branch, author, HEAD commit, URL, reviewers (name, username), Review Decision (approved, requested change, etc.)
Checks APISuccessful / failed / pending jobs
Github Actions APIDeployment Actor (GITHUB_ACTOR env), Triggered By Actor (GITHUB_TRIGGERING_ACTOR env), Run ID (GITHUB_RUN_ID env) and Run Attempt (GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT env), Workflow name (GITHUB_WORKFLOW env)
  • Gitlab metadata (user has granular control of the token permissions)
ScopeAccess / Data Processed
Merge Request APIID / IID, Project, Title, Body, Labels, Author, Target branch, Source branch, Draft, HEAD Commit, URL
CI/CD InfoPipeline Information (ID, Source, URL, etc), Job Information (ID, Name, Started At, etc)

Plan Sanitization

Whenever syncing plans to Terramate Cloud, Terramate CLI first sanitizes plans locally by using an open-source library we maintain which we welcome you to audit.

The following data is extracted from all JSON plan files and synced to Terramate Cloud if cloud sync is explicitly enabled via opt-in:

  • Resources
    • Name
    • Values (REDACTED)
  • Providers used
  • Data sources
    • Name
    • Values (REDACTED)
  • Variables
    • Name
    • Values (REDACTED)
  • Outputs
    • Name
    • Values (REDACTED)
  • Provider config (REDACTED)
  • Planned Values / Module Calls / Previous State, etc (all REDACTED)

Terramate Cloud

Data processed when authenticating with SSO

You can login to Terramate Cloud using various SSO providers. Below is an overview of data access requested for each provider.

Google SSO

  • name, email address, language preferences and profile picture.

GitHub SSO

  • Personal user data, email addresses

Microsoft Entra SSO

  • name, email address, profile picture

GitLab SSO

  • openid (Authenticate using OpenID Connect)
  • profile (Allows read-only access to the user's personal information using OpenID Connect)
  • email (Allows read-only access to the user's primary email address using OpenID Connect)


The following section explains the access scopes required by the individual integrations available in Terramate Cloud.

GitHub App


The GitHub App doesn't require any access to your source code.

The Terramate Cloud GitHub App is required to provide Previews inside of Pull Requests and to integrate policy checks with the GitHub Checks API.

The following scopes are required when installing the GitHub App.

  • Read access to metadata
  • Read and write access to actions, commit statuses, environments, and pull requests
  • Read access to email addresses

GitHub App Required Scopes


openid (Authenticate using OpenID Connect) • profile (Allows read-only access to the user's personal information using OpenID Connect) • email (Allows read-only access to the user's primary email address using OpenID Connect)

When integrating GitLab CI/CD, the following scopes of permissions are required:

Slack App

The Slack App is used to integrate notifications such as Alerts with your Slack Workspace by providing a Slack Bot.

The following scopes of permissions are required to install the Slack App in your workspace:

  • View basic information about public channels in your workspace
  • View people in your workspace
  • View email addresses of people in your workspace
  • Send messages as @terramate
  • Send messages to channels @terramate isn't a member of

Slack App Required Scopes

Slack Webhook

In addition to the Slack App, Terramate Cloud also allows you to configure a webhook used for sending notifications about failed deployments, detected drifts, etc. to a centralize Slack channel.

This requires you to configure a webhook in your Slack Workspace authorized to send messages to a selected channel. For details, please see the webhook documentation for Slack.