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Get started with Terramate and Terraform

This page will teach you how to onboard Terramate to an existing Terraform project.

Terramate can be added to any existing Terraform project with a single command and without changing any existing configuration, making the onboarding seamless and fast.


If instead, you'd like to learn how to get started with Terramate from scratch, take a look at our Getting Started Guide.

Import Existing Terraform Stacks

To onboard Terramate to an existing Terraform project, you first need to import your Terraform root modules into Terramate.

terramate create --all-terraform

This command will detect existing Terraform root modules and create a stack configuration in them, which Terramate requires to identify a Terraform root module as a stack.

Terramate Features for Terraform Repositories

All Terramate features are now available to your team.

The following set of features highlights some special benefits:

  • Use Terramate Change Detection to orchestrate Terraform in an efficient way
  • Execute any command within stacks imported from terraform configuration.
  • Run Terraform in any CI/CD following the Terramate Automation Blueprints and examples.
  • Make use of Terramates advanced Code Generation and Globals to share data more easily.
  • Synchronize deployments, drift runs, and previews to Terramate Cloud and get
    • Visibility of the Health of all Terraform Configurations over multiple repositories
    • Drift Detection in all Stacks
    • Pull Request Previews for actual changes
    • Notifications on deployment failures or newly detected drifts
    • Advanced collaboration and alert routing

Run Terraform Commands

List all Stacks

Any Terramate CLI Feature is now available in your Stacks.

terramate list

Init Terraform

terramate run -- terraform init

Create a Terraform Plan in parallel

terramate run --parallel 5 -- terraform plan -out plan.tfplan

Apply a Terraform Plan in Changed Stacks

terramate run --changed -- terraform apply -auto-approve plan.tfplan