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Parallel Execution

This section explains how to orchestrate the execution of commands and workflows in stacks in parallel.


Terramate facilitates parallel execution, enabling independent stacks to run in parallel, thereby offering significant time savings, particularly during commands like terraform plan. Despite the parallel nature of execution, Terramate ensures that the order of execution is still respected.

This approach notably diminishes build time consumption for deployments and drift detection to a bare minimum, while also reducing waiting time for users when executing commands across stacks. Moreover, with Terramate Cloud, users can conveniently access logs of all executed stacks in the correct order, further enhancing visibility and monitoring capabilities during the execution process.

To initiate parallel execution, users can utilize the --parallel N flag, where N represents the number of parallel processes desired. This allows users to tailor the level of parallelism according to their specific requirements.

Run a command in stacks in parallel

This command runs terraform plan in parallel across all stacks while maintaining the specified order.

terramate run --parallel 5 terraform plan

Run a workflow in stacks in parallel

This command runs a workflow named deploy configured with Terramate Scripts in parallel across all stacks while maintaining the specified order.

terramate script run --parallel 5 deploy