Start with existing Terragrunt Projects
If you are looking for an actionable and quick guide explaining how to supercharge any existing Terragrunt project with Terramate in just 5 minutes, take a look at our most recent Terramate and Terragrunt guide.
Import Existing Terragrunt Stacks
To create Terramate Stacks from existing Terragrunt Modules run the following command.
terramate create --all-terragrunt
This command will detect existing Terragrunt Modules, create a stack configuration in them and will set up the order of execution in before
and after
attributes for detected Terragrunt dependencies.
Terramate Features for Terragrunt Repositories
All Terramate features are now available to your team, so you get the best of both worlds.
The following set of features highlights some special benefits:
- Use Terramate Change Detection to reduce run times of terragrunt commands
- Execute any command within stacks imported from terragrunt config.
- Run Terragrunt in any CI/CD following the Terramate Automation Blueprints and examples.
- Make use of Terramates advanced Code Generation and Globals to share data more easily.
- Use Terragrunt and plain Terraform side-by-side.
- Synchronize deployments, drift runs, and previews to Terramate Cloud and get
- Visibility of the Health of all Terragrunt Modules over multiple repositories
- Drift Detection in all Stacks
- Pull Request Previews for actual changes
- Notifications on deployment failures or newly detected drifts
- Advanced collaboration and alert routing
The Terragrunt change detection is automatically enabled if the project contains any Terragrunt stack but this behavior can be turned off using the configuration below:
terramate {
config {
change_detection {
terragrunt {
enabled = "off"
The valid options for terramate.config.change_detection.terragrunt.enabled
(default): Only enables Terragrunt change detection if a Terragrunt stack is detected."force"
: Run the Terragrunt change detection all the time."off"
: Disables the Terragrunt change detection.
Run Terragrunt Commands
Since you are using Terramate to orchestrate Terragrunt now, the terragrunt run-all
command is not needed anymore and you can replace it with terramate run -- terragrunt <cmd>
to execute terragrunt within single stacks.
The main benefit you get is to be able to make use of Terramates advanced Change Detection and other filters to orchestrate Terragrunt execution and also any other tooling inside of the stacks.
List all Stacks
After importing Stacks imported from Terragrunt are not special compared to other stacks. Any Terramate CLI Feature is now available in those Stacks and you can run any commands within the stacks.
terramate list
Init Terraform with Terragrunt
terramate run -- terragrunt init
Create a Terraform Plan with Terragrunt in parallel
terramate run --parallel 5 -- terragrunt plan -out plan.tfplan
Apply a Terraform Plan with Terragrunt in Changed Stacks
terramate run --changed -- terragrunt apply -auto-approve plan.tfplan