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Resource Details ​

On the Resource Details page, you can view key metadata that helps you track, manage, and troubleshoot your infrastructure. Each data point provides actionable insights:

  • Resource ID: A unique identifier consistently tracks the resource across Terramate Cloud.
  • Terraform Address: Links the resource to its Terraform configuration, making it easy to locate and manage in your code.
  • Created Time: The timestamp when the resource was added, useful for auditing its lifecycle.
  • Updated Time: The timestamp of the last status update helps you monitor recent changes.
  • Stack: Identifies the stack that includes this resource; clicking it navigates to the stack details page.
  • Repository: Displays the repository containing the resource, connecting it to its source code and history.
  • Target: Specifies the environment where the resource is deployed, clarifying its role.
  • Policy Checks: Lists the policy checks applied to the resource to ensure it meets your organization’s standards.
  • Current State: Displays the resource's attributes, combining those set by the infrastructure (e.g., a Google Cloud bucket's self_link) with those defined in your code (e.g., the bucket's name). It's marked as Outdated if the last deployment has newer planned changes.
  • Current drift: Displays any differences between the deployed state and the desired configuration. It is marked as Outdated if there is a newer deployment.
  • Last Deployment: Displays the most recent deployment details, including the user who initiated it and whether it was triggered manually. It is marked as Outdated if the current state is newer.

Resource details