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How to install Terramate

This page explains how to install and configure Terramate CLI.

Install the CLI

The first step you need to take is to install Terramate CLI:

brew install terramate
# Add the Terramate repo to your sources
echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" \
  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/terramate.list

apt update
apt install terramate
# Add the Terramate repo to your sources
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/terramate.repo <<EOF
name=Terramate Repository

dnf install terramate
Download the binary from

This will install two binaries:

  • terramate: The CLI tool used to create, manage and orchestrate your IaC stacks and workflows.
  • terramate-ls: The Terramate Language Server to integrate Terramate into your IDE.

For other installation methods, please see alternative installation methods.

IDE Plugin

For the best developer experience, we recommend you install an IDE plugin of your choice that integrates the Terramate language server and syntax highlighting into your IDE:

Auto completion

Terramate supports the autocompletion of commands for bash, zsh and fish. To install the completion just run the command below and open a new shell session:

terramate install-completions

Sign in to Terramate Cloud

To authenticate the CLI with Terramate Cloud, you can run the terramate cloud login command. If it's the first time you try to sign in to Terramate Cloud, you will be guided through an onboarding process to create a new organization in Terramate Cloud.

terramate cloud login


Per default, terramate cloud login is using Google Workspaces as the identity provider. To use GitHub instead, please run terramate cloud login --github. Microsoft Entra ID is not supported in the CLI yet.

Once the CLI is authenticated with Terramate Cloud, you can use it to interact with the cloud. For example, the following command prints a list of all drifted stacks.

terramate list --status=drifted

For more details about how to initially sync your data to Terramate Cloud, please see getting started with Terramate Cloud

Alternative installation methods

Using Asdf package manager

You can install Terramate using asdf:

asdf plugin add terramate
asdf install terramate latest

Using release binaries

To install Terramate using a release binary, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Terramate Releases page.

  2. Download the appropriate package for your operating system and architecture.

  3. Decompress the package somewhere on your disk. Note: all files in the package other than terramate and terramate-ls can be safely deleted.

  4. Ensure that the terramate and terramate-ls binaries are available to your PATH. The process for this will vary based on your operating system.

Using Go

For installing Terramate with Go, please run:

go install<version>

Where <version> is any Terramate version tag, or you can just install the latest release:

go install

The commands above install both terramate and terramate-ls into your Go binary folder (usually $HOME/go/bin).

Using docker

If you prefer not to install Terramate directly on your host system, you can use either Docker or Podman to run Terramate within a container.

To do so, execute the following command:

docker run

We also provide container images tagged with specific release versions. To view a list of available container image tags, visit this link.


Our image doesn't come with additional dependencies such as Terraform. We recommend building your own image by using our image as the base image to install additional dependencies required.

We recommend mounting your Terramate project as a Docker mount volume to use it inside the container. Depending on your setup, you should set the correct permissions when running the container.

docker run -it -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
  -v /some/repo:/some/repo \ -C /some/repo --changed run -- cmd