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Tag Filter

The Tag Filter can be used in multiple Terramate features:

Using the tags filter, you can list or run commands on stacks based on tag conditions. Use --tags to filter stacks having specific tags and --no-tags to filter those without the specified tags. The --tags filter support using AND (:) and OR (,) for more complex queries, while the --no-tags filter supports using OR (,). The query language is best explained with some examples but a formal definition can be found here.

Examples of Commands with --tags and --no-tags

  • Listing stacks:

    • terramate list --tags abc: Lists stacks with the tag abc.
    • terramate list --no-tags xyz: Lists stacks without the tag xyz.
    • terramate list --tags abc:xyz: Lists stacks containing both abc AND xyz.
    • terramate list --tags app:k8s,app:nomad: Lists stacks containing both app AND k8s or both app AND nomad.
  • Running commands in stacks:

    • terramate run --tags abc -- echo "hi from stack with tag abc": Runs the command in stacks with the tag abc.
    • terramate run --no-tags xyz -- echo "hi from stack without tag xyz": Runs the command in stacks without the tag xyz.
  • Running Terramate scripts:

    • terramate script run --tags abc myscript: Runs myscript in stacks with the tag abc.
    • terramate script run --no-tags xyz myscript: Runs myscript in stacks without the tag xyz.


  • The : character defines the AND operation and the , character the OR operation. They can be freely combined but no explicit grouping is supported (yet).
  • --no-tags flag does not support AND (:). In fact, it only supports OR (,). terramate list --no-tags xyz,abc will list stacks without the tag xyz OR abc.

Filter Grammar

Below is the formal grammar definition:

query         ::= or_term {',' or_term}
or_term       ::= and_term {':' and_term}
and_term      ::= tagname
tagname       ::= ident
ident         ::= allowedchars { allowedchars } | allowedchars
allowedchars  ::= lowercase | digit | '-' | '_'
digit         ::= '0' ... '9'
lowercase     ::= 'a' | 'b' | ... | 'z'

The ident definition is a simplification and you should refer to stack.tags for the correct definition (in prose) for the expected declaration of tag names.