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The script block

Use the script block to define a script. You can place the script block in any Terramate configuration file in your project hierarchy.


  • name (optional) - specifies a name for the jobs being executed (up to 128 characters)

  • description (optional) - describe the jobs being executed (up to 1000 characters)

  • lets (optional) - contains one or more blocks that define local variables for the script. Multiple lets blocks get merged.

  • job (required) - contains one or more blocks, each defining a sequence of commands to execute in the script. Jobs are executed in the order they are defined.


script "command" "subcommand" { # any level of subcommands is supported
  description = "Execute commands"
  job {
    description = "hello world job"
    commands = [
      ["echo", "-n", "Hello"],
      ["echo", " World!"],


Run a Terraform/OpenTofu deployment

Run terramate script run deploy to deploy using Terraform or OpenTofu.

script "deploy" {
  description = "Run a Terraform/Tofu deployment"
  lets {
    provisioner = "terraform" # another option: "tofu"
  job {
    name        = "deploy"
    description = "Initialize, validate and deploy Terraform stacks"
    commands = [
      [let.provisioner, "init"],
      [let.provisioner, "validate"],
      ["tfsec", "."],
      [let.provisioner, "apply", "-auto-approve"],