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Code Generation


Terramate CLI supports the generation of code in stacks based on blueprints defined in code inside of the stack or on higher levels of the hierarchy.

Generating code in stacks helps keep stacks DRY.

The most common use cases are generating code for Terraform Backends and Provider configurations by defining the logic one on the root level of your repository and generating the same code on all stacks based on the configuration available in the stacks.

In more advanced scenarios, code can be generated based on conditions or filters to generate based on the hierarchy or based on tags or other exprssions.

Currently, the following code-generation strategies are available:

  • .tmgen Generate HCL files ad-hoc within a stack. This is the fastest and easiest way when existing code is available and shall be extended with some Terramate Features of Code Generation like Terramate Globals or Functions. Existing code can be renamed and generation will happen in place extending the capabilities of the configuration of e.g. Terraform or OpenTofu

  • HCL generation with stack context to generate Terraform, OpenTofu and other HCL configurations inside of stacks. The blocks will be inherited through the hierarchy into all stacks reachable from the definition of the block.

  • File generation with root and stack context to generate arbitrary files such as JSON and YAML, following the same inheritance logic as for generating HCL.

Generate code

The generate command generate files configured by the available code generation strategies.

terramate generate

The above command generates files for all configurations within the current directory and its subdirectories. To generate files targeting configurations in a specific subdirectory, use the -C (or --chdir) flag followed by the desired directory path. Alternatively, navigate to the subdirectory using cd and run the command there.

Hierarchical Code Generation

Code generation can be defined and used anywhere in a Terramate Project.

Any stack that is part of the filesystem tree reachable from a code generation strategy configuration will be a selected target to generate code in.

This means a configuration to generate code can be defined at the root level, reach all stacks, and trigger code generation in all stacks if not limited by conditional code generation, inherit attributes or stack filters.

Failure modes

There is no overriding or merging behavior for code generation blocks. Blocks defined at different levels with the same label aren't allowed, failing the overall code generation process.


Terramate configuration files that define code generation strategies can also be imported using the import block.

import {
  source = "/modules/"

For details, please see the import documentation.

Generation context

Code generation supports two execution contexts:

  • stack: generates code relative to the stack where it's defined.
  • root: generates code outside of stacks.

The stack context gives access to all code generation features, such as:

But the root context gives access to:

If not specified the default generation context is stack. The generate_hcl block doesn't support changing the context, it will always be of type stack. The generate_file block supports the context attribute which you can explicitly change to root.


generate_file "/file.txt" {
  context = root
  content = "something"


All code generation blocks use labels to identify the block and define where the generated code will be saved but they have different constraints depending on the generation context.

For stack context, the labels must follow the constraints below:

  • It is a relative path in the form <dir>/<filename> or just <filename>
  • It is always defined with / independent on the OS you are working on
  • It does not contain ../ (code can only be generated inside the stack)
  • It does not start with ./
  • It does not contain a dot directory (invalid example: somedir/.invalid/
  • It is not a symbolic link
  • It is not a stack
  • It is unique on the whole hierarchy of a stack for all blocks with condition=true.

For root context, the constraints are:

  • It is an absolute path in the form /<dir>/<filename> or just /<filename>.
  • It is always defined with / independent on the OS you are working on
  • It does not contain ../ (code can only be generated inside the project root)
  • It does not contain a dot directory (invalid example: somedir/.invalid/file.txt)
  • It is not a symbolic link
  • It is not a stack
  • It is unique on the whole hierarchy for all blocks with condition=true.


# The label defines that the code generation will
# generate a file named ''
generate_hcl "" {
  content {
    resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
      cidr_block = ""

Conditional code generation

Terramate offers different ways to generate code conditionally.

Inheritable generation blocks

The generate_file and generate_hcl blocks support an inherit attribute which determines if the block will be inherited into child stacks. By default, it's true, which means the code will be generated in all child stacks. When using inherit = false, then the code is only generated in the stack where the block is declared. If the block with inherit = false is declared outside a stack directory then it's ignored and a warning is given to stderr.

Stack filters - path-based code generation

Stack Filters can be used to trigger the generation of code only within matching stacks identified by the stack absolute path. Globbing support in the path filters allows pattern matching with the hierarchy, thus targeting stacks in directories with specific names or following a specific pattern. Stack filters will be extended to support more matching strategies on other metadata.

Stack Filters allow path-based code generation on the stack path within the repository or within a project. They are defined using generate_hcl.stack_filter blocks and are explained in the Generate HCL and Generate File sections. They can be combined with conditions and are evaluated before conditions.


generate_hcl "" {
  stack_filter {
    project_paths = [
      "/path/to/specific/stack", # match exact path
      "/path/to/some/stacks/*",  # match stacks in a directory
      "/path/to/many/stacks/**", # match all stacks within a tree

  content {
    resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
      cidr_block = ""


Conditions allow for more complex targeting of stacks using Terramate Globals, Terramate Metadata and Terramate Functions. As complex calculations require more CPU time and access more data, the execution of conditions is significantly slower compared to using Stack Filters.

The following list names some examples of what conditions could be used for:

  • Path-based Code Generation (prefer Stack Filters or use in combination with Stack Filters for large amounts of stacks)
  • Tag-based Code Generation
  • Generation of code based on the state of Terramate Globals
  • Metadata-based Code Generation when using the terramate variable namespace to access more stack details.
  • Any combination of the above
  • Any complex calculation using Terramate Functions or Terramate Variables


# Generate Terraform backend configuration
# for stacks that are tagged with "terraform"
generate_hcl "" {
  condition = tm_contains(terramate.stack.tags, "terraform")

  content {
    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        region         = global.terraform.backend.s3.region
        bucket         = global.terraform.backend.s3.bucket
        key            = "terraform/stacks/by-id/${}/terraform.tfstate"
        encrypt        = true
        dynamodb_table = "terraform_state"


Assertions can be used to fail code generation for one or more stacks if some pre-condition is not met, helping to catch mistakes in your configuration.

Assertions can be only used when the generation context is of type stack and it has the following fields:

  • assertion (optional boolean) The condition attribute supports any expression that renders to a boolean.
  • message (optional string) Obligatory, must evaluate to string
  • warning (optional string) Must evaluate to boolean. Defaults to false.

All fields can contain expressions using Terramate Variables (let, global, and terramate namespaces) and all Terramate Functions are supported.

assert {
  assertion = global.a == global.b
  message   = "assertion failed, details: ${global.a} != ${global.b}"

When the assertion is false in the context of a stack, code generation for that stack will fail and the reported error will be the one provided on the message field. The stack won't be touched, no files will be changed/created/deleted.

Optionally the warning field can be defined and if it is evaluated to true then a false assertion will not generate an error. Code will be generated, but a warning output will be shown during code generation.

The assert block has hierarchical behavior, any assert blocks defined in a directory will be applied to all stacks inside this directory. For example, an assert block defined on the root of a project will be applied to all stacks in the project.

Assert blocks can also be defined inside generate_hcl and generate_file blocks. When inside one of those blocks it has the same semantics as described above, except that it will have access to locally scoped data like the let namespace.

Best practices

We recommend the following best practices when working with code generation.

Add generated files to your Git repository

Commit the generated files to the repository. This can be achieved either by manually running terramate generate locally or by automating terramate generate in your CI/CD pipelines. In any case, the generated files should be available to the Pull Request reviewer so they can spot misconfigurations.

Use a prefix for generated files

We recommend prefixing generated files with _terramate_generated_ (e.g., or similar to be able to easily separate generated files from non-generated files.

In addition to the recommended prefix, each generated file contains a header to indicate that if users modify the generated files all changes will be overwritten by the terramate generate.

