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tm_hclencode Function

tm_hclencode encodes a given object or map value to a string using HCL file syntax. The top-level object keys and values are encoded as HCL top-level attributes.

The main use case for this function is generating the Terraform/Tofu .tfvars file.

The top-level object key MUST be a valid HCL identifier or else it fails. Currently, blocks cannot be encoded.


tm_hclencode({name = "my-instance", size = "10"})
name = "my-instance"
size = 10


tm_hclencode({image_id = "ami-abc123", availability_zone_names = ["us-east-1a", "us-west-1c"]})
image_id = "ami-abc123"
availability_zone_names = [
  • tm_hcldecode performs the reverse operation, decoding an HCL file content to obtain its corresponding Terramate value.