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Run a Preview in GitHub Actions

The following workflows are blueprints and need some adjustments to work for you.


Search for CHANGEME to adjust needed credentials details for AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure examples.

Terramate Cloud support

When synchronizing previews to Terramate Cloud, previews will be synchronized with a detailed status and can be reviewed on a stack level.

Preview Blueprints

Create the following GitHub Actions configuration at .github/workflows/preview.yml

Please select the tab that fits your use case. Currently available use cases are:

  • Terraform + Terramate Cloud
  • OpenTofu + Terramate Cloud
  • Terragrunt + Terramate Cloud
  • Terraform
  • OpenTofu
  • Terragrunt
name: Terraform Preview


    name: Plan Terraform changes in changed Terramate stacks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      checks: read

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Terramate
        uses: terramate-io/terramate-action@v2

      - name: Install Terraform
        uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3
          terraform_version: 1.7.4
          terraform_wrapper: false

      - name: Check Terramate formatting
        run: terramate fmt --check

      - name: Check Terraform formatting
        run: terraform fmt -recursive -check -diff

      - name: List changed stacks
        id: list
        run: terramate list --changed

      ## Comment this step out if not using AWS
      - name: Configure AWS credentials via OIDC
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: auth
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          aws-region: CHANGEME_AWS_REGION
          role-to-assume: CHANGEME_IAM_ROLE_ARN

      ## Uncomment this if using Google Cloud
      # - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
      #   with:
      #     workload_identity_provider: CHANGEME_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
      #     service_account: CHANGEME_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

      ## Uncomment this if using Microsoft Azure
      # - name: Configure Azure credentials
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: azure/login@v2
      #   with:
      #     client-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      #     tenant-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_TENANT_ID
      #     subscription-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

      - name: Initialize Terraform in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: init
        run: |
          terramate run \
           --parallel 1 \
           --changed \
           -- \
           terraform init -lock-timeout=5m

      - name: Validate Terraform configuration in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: validate
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            terraform validate

      - name: Plan Terraform changes in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: plan
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            --sync-preview \
            --terraform-plan-file=out.tfplan \
            --continue-on-error \
            -- \
            terraform plan -out out.tfplan -detailed-exitcode -lock=false
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
name: OpenTofu Preview


    name: Plan OpenTofu changes in changed Terramate stacks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      checks: read

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Terramate
        uses: terramate-io/terramate-action@v2

      - name: Install OpenTofu
        uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@v1
          tofu_version: 1.9.0
          tofu_wrapper: false

      - name: Check Terramate formatting
        run: terramate fmt --check

      - name: Check OpenTofu formatting
        run: tofu fmt -recursive -check -diff

      - name: List changed stacks
        id: list
        run: terramate list --changed

      ## Comment this step out if not using AWS
      - name: Configure AWS credentials via OIDC
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: auth
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          aws-region: CHANGEME_AWS_REGION
          role-to-assume: CHANGEME_IAM_ROLE_ARN

      ## Uncomment this if using Google Cloud
      # - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
      #   with:
      #     workload_identity_provider: CHANGEME_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
      #     service_account: CHANGEME_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

      ## Uncomment this if using Microsoft Azure
      # - name: Configure Azure credentials
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: azure/login@v2
      #   with:
      #     client-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      #     tenant-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_TENANT_ID
      #     subscription-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

      - name: Initialize OpenTofu in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: init
        run: |
          terramate run \
           --parallel 1 \
           --changed \
           -- \
           tofu init -lock-timeout=5m

      - name: Validate OpenTofu configuration in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: validate
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            tofu validate

      - name: Plan OpenTofu changes in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: plan
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            --sync-preview \
            --tofu-plan-file=out.otplan \
            --continue-on-error \
            -- \
            tofu plan -out out.otplan -detailed-exitcode -lock=false
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
name: Terragrunt Preview


    name: Plan Terragrunt changes in changed Terramate stacks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      checks: read

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Terramate
        uses: terramate-io/terramate-action@v2

      - name: Setup Terragrunt
        uses: autero1/action-terragrunt@v3
          terragrunt-version: 0.72.6
          token: ${{ github.token }}

      - name: Check Terramate formatting
        run: terramate fmt --check

      - name: Check Terragrunt formatting
        run: terragrunt fmt --terragrunt-check

      - name: List changed stacks
        id: list
        run: terramate list --changed

      ## Comment this step out if not using AWS
      - name: Configure AWS credentials via OIDC
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: auth
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          aws-region: CHANGEME_AWS_REGION
          role-to-assume: CHANGEME_IAM_ROLE_ARN

      ## Uncomment this if using Google Cloud
      # - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
      #   with:
      #     workload_identity_provider: CHANGEME_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
      #     service_account: CHANGEME_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

      ## Uncomment this if using Microsoft Azure
      # - name: Configure Azure credentials
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: azure/login@v2
      #   with:
      #     client-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      #     tenant-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_TENANT_ID
      #     subscription-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

      - name: Initialize Terragrunt in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: init
        run: |
          terramate run \
           --parallel 1 \
           --changed \
           -- \
           terragrunt init -lock-timeout=5m

      - name: Validate Terragrunt configuration in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: validate
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            terragrunt validate

      - name: Plan Terragrunt changes in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: plan
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            --sync-preview \
            --terraform-plan-file=out.tfplan \
            --terragrunt \
            --continue-on-error \
            -- \
            terragrunt plan -out out.tfplan -detailed-exitcode -lock=false
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
name: Terraform Preview


    name: Plan Terraform changes in changed Terramate stacks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      checks: read

      - name: Prepare pull request preview comment
        if: github.event.pull_request
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: preview
          message: |
            ## Preview of Terraform changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

            :warning: preview is being created... please stand by!

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Terramate
        uses: terramate-io/terramate-action@v2

      - name: Install Terraform
        uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v3
          terraform_version: 1.7.4
          terraform_wrapper: false

      - name: Check Terramate formatting
        run: terramate fmt --check

      - name: Check Terraform formatting
        run: terraform fmt -recursive -check -diff

      - name: List changed stacks
        id: list
        run: terramate list --changed

      ## Comment this step out if not using AWS
      - name: Configure AWS credentials via OIDC
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: auth
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          aws-region: CHANGEME_AWS_REGION
          role-to-assume: CHANGEME_IAM_ROLE_ARN

      ## Uncomment this if using Google Cloud
      # - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
      #   with:
      #     workload_identity_provider: CHANGEME_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
      #     service_account: CHANGEME_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

      ## Uncomment this if using Microsoft Azure
      # - name: Configure Azure credentials
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: azure/login@v2
      #   with:
      #     client-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      #     tenant-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_TENANT_ID
      #     subscription-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

      - name: Initialize Terraform in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: init
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 1 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            terraform init -lock-timeout=5m

      - name: Validate Terraform configuration in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: validate
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            terraform validate

      - name: Plan Terraform changes in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: plan
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            --continue-on-error \
            -- \
            terraform plan -out out.tfplan -lock=false

      ## Note: Due to a limitation in the size of a GitHub PR comment (65,536 characters), we are truncating the output if it's too long. For better and complete previews or changes consider Terramate Cloud.
      ## Note: Depending on the setup, you may need to add pr-comment.txt to your .gitignore to avoid any failures
      - name: Generate preview details
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: comment
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of Terraform changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```bash'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "${{ steps.list.outputs.stdout }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "#### Terraform Plan"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```terraform'
          terramate run --changed -- terraform show -no-color out.tfplan |& dd bs=1024 count=248 >>pr-comment.txt
          [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" == "141" ] && sed -i 's/#### Terraform Plan/#### :warning: Terraform Plan truncated: please check console output :warning:/' pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Generate preview when no stacks changed
        if: success() && !steps.list.outputs.stdout
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of Terraform changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt 'No changed stacks, no detailed preview will be generated.'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Generate preview when things failed
        if: always() && failure()
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of Terraform changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```bash'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "${{ steps.list.outputs.stdout }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt ':boom: Generating preview failed. Please see details in Actions output.'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Publish generated preview as GitHub commnent
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: preview
          path: pr-comment.txt
name: OpenTofu Preview


    name: Plan OpenTofu changes in changed Terramate stacks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      checks: read

      - name: Prepare pull request preview comment
        if: github.event.pull_request
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: preview
          message: |
            ## Preview of OpenTofu changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

            :warning: preview is being created... please stand by!

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Terramate
        uses: terramate-io/terramate-action@v2

      - name: Install OpenTofu
        uses: opentofu/setup-opentofu@v1
          tofu_version: 1.9.0
          tofu_wrapper: false

      - name: Check Terramate formatting
        run: terramate fmt --check

      - name: Check OpenTofu formatting
        run: tofu fmt -recursive -check -diff

      - name: List changed stacks
        id: list
        run: terramate list --changed

      ## Comment this step out if not using AWS
      - name: Configure AWS credentials via OIDC
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: auth
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          aws-region: CHANGEME_AWS_REGION
          role-to-assume: CHANGEME_IAM_ROLE_ARN

      ## Uncomment this if using Google Cloud
      # - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
      #   with:
      #     workload_identity_provider: CHANGEME_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
      #     service_account: CHANGEME_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

      ## Uncomment this if using Microsoft Azure
      # - name: Configure Azure credentials
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: azure/login@v2
      #   with:
      #     client-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      #     tenant-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_TENANT_ID
      #     subscription-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

      - name: Initialize OpenTofu in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: init
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 1 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            tofu init -lock-timeout=5m

      - name: Validate OpenTofu configuration in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: validate
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            tofu validate

      - name: Plan OpenTofu changes in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: plan
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            --continue-on-error \
            -- \
            tofu plan -out out.otplan -lock=false

      ## Note: Due to a limitation in the size of a GitHub PR comment (65,536 characters), we are truncating the output if it's too long. For better and complete previews or changes consider Terramate Cloud.
      ## Note: Depending on the setup, you may need to add pr-comment.txt to your .gitignore to avoid any failures
      - name: Generate preview details
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: comment
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of OpenTofu changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```bash'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "${{ steps.list.outputs.stdout }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "#### OpenTofu Plan"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```terraform'
          terramate run --changed -- tofu show -no-color out.otplan |& dd bs=1024 count=248 >>pr-comment.txt
          [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" == "141" ] && sed -i 's/#### OpenTofu Plan/#### :warning: OpenTofu Plan truncated: please check console output :warning:/' pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Generate preview when no stacks changed
        if: success() && !steps.list.outputs.stdout
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of OpenTofu changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt 'No changed stacks, no detailed preview will be generated.'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Generate preview when things failed
        if: always() && failure()
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of OpenTofu changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```bash'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "${{ steps.list.outputs.stdout }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt ':boom: Generating preview failed. Please see details in Actions output.'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Publish generated preview as GitHub commnent
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: preview
          path: pr-comment.txt
name: Terragrunt Preview


    name: Plan Terragrunt changes in changed Terramate stacks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      id-token: write
      contents: read
      pull-requests: write
      checks: read

      - name: Prepare pull request preview comment
        if: github.event.pull_request
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: preview
          message: |
            ## Preview of Terragrunt changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}

            :warning: preview is being created... please stand by!

      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Terramate
        uses: terramate-io/terramate-action@v2

      - name: Setup Terragrunt
        uses: autero1/action-terragrunt@v3
          terragrunt-version: 0.72.6
          token: ${{ github.token }}

      - name: Check Terramate formatting
        run: terramate fmt --check

      - name: Check Terragrunt formatting
        run: terragrunt fmt --terragrunt-check

      - name: List changed stacks
        id: list
        run: terramate list --changed

      ## Comment this step out if not using AWS
      - name: Configure AWS credentials via OIDC
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: auth
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          aws-region: CHANGEME_AWS_REGION
          role-to-assume: CHANGEME_IAM_ROLE_ARN

      ## Uncomment this if using Google Cloud
      # - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: google-github-actions/auth@v2
      #   with:
      #     workload_identity_provider: CHANGEME_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_PROVIDER
      #     service_account: CHANGEME_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

      ## Uncomment this if using Microsoft Azure
      # - name: Configure Azure credentials
      #   if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
      #   id: auth
      #   uses: azure/login@v2
      #   with:
      #     client-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      #     tenant-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_TENANT_ID
      #     subscription-id: CHANGEME_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID

      - name: Initialize Terragrunt in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: init
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 1 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            terragrunt init -lock-timeout=5m

      - name: Validate Terragrunt configuration in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: validate
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            -- \
            terragrunt validate

      - name: Plan Terragrunt changes in changed stacks
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: plan
        run: |
          terramate run \
            --parallel 5 \
            --changed \
            --continue-on-error \
            -- \
            terragrunt plan -out out.tfplan -lock=false

      ## Note: Due to a limitation in the size of a GitHub PR comment (65,536 characters), we are truncating the output if it's too long. For better and complete previews or changes consider Terramate Cloud.
      ## Note: Depending on the setup, you may need to add pr-comment.txt to your .gitignore to avoid any failures
      - name: Generate preview details
        if: steps.list.outputs.stdout
        id: comment
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of Terragrunt changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```bash'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "${{ steps.list.outputs.stdout }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "#### Terragrunt Plan"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```terraform'
          terramate run --changed -- terragrunt show out.tfplan |& dd bs=1024 count=248 >>pr-comment.txt
          [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" == "141" ] && sed -i 's/#### Terragrunt Plan/#### :warning: Terragrunt Plan truncated: please check console output :warning:/' pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Generate preview when no stacks changed
        if: success() && !steps.list.outputs.stdout
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of Terragrunt changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt 'No changed stacks, no detailed preview will be generated.'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Generate preview when things failed
        if: always() && failure()
        run: |
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "## Preview of Terragrunt changes in ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "### Changed Stacks"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```bash'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt "${{ steps.list.outputs.stdout }}"
          echo >>pr-comment.txt '```'
          echo >>pr-comment.txt ':boom: Generating preview failed. Please see details in Actions output.'
          cat pr-comment.txt >>$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY

      - name: Publish generated preview as GitHub commnent
        uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          header: preview
          path: pr-comment.txt