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Terramate Configuration Overview

Different configurations can be done in Terramate, ranging from avoiding duplication by leveraging powerful code generation to flexible orchestration by allowing control of stacks order of execution.

To do so, Terramate works with configuration files that have the suffixes:

  • tm.hcl
  • tm

Configuration files

Terramate files can be found in any non-hidden directory of a Terramate project and all non-hidden files in a single directory will be handled as the concatenation of all of them in a single file, forming a single configuration.

The configuration blocks can be defined multiple times and their values are merged whenever possible. See Config Merging for details.


Windows users: Terramate works best if you configure your editor to use Unix-style line endings (LN or \n). You may also consider configuring git to avoid line ending conversions: git config core.autocrlf input

Importing configurations

Each configuration can import other configurations using the import block. See the example below:


import {
    # import a specific file
    source = "/more/"

The import block supports globs as well:


import {
    # import all files in a directory
    source = "/imports/*.tm.hcl"

The source must reference a file using a relative path or an absolute path relative to the project's root. Only files inside the project can be imported and they must be from disjoint directories, which means you cannot import files from parent directories as they're already visible in the child configuration.

The imported file is handled as if it's in the directory of the importing file, then the same merging strategy applies for the case of duplicated blocks being defined.

The import block do not support merging of its attributes and multiple blocks can be defined in the same file or directory given that their source attributes are different. In other words, each file can only be imported once into a single configuration set.

An imported file can import other files but cycles are not allowed.

Config merging

Multiple configuration blocks of the same type defined in a directory are merged into a single configuration, provided their contents do not conflict. For instance, the block definitions can be split into several blocks, with each one defining a part of the whole. The exceptions to this are the generate and import blocks.

The globals block extends the merging to the hierarchy of globals.

For example, the configuration below is valid:

terramate {
    required_version = "~> 0.1"

terramate {
    config {
        git {
            default_branch = "main"

And the blocks can also be defined in different files.

But the following is invalid:

terramate {
    required_version = "~> 0.1"

terramate {
    required_version = "~> 0.2"

Skipping Directories

Terramate provides an option to ignore a non-hidden directory by creating an empty file named .tmskip inside the directory. Terramate features will ignore this directory and its contents, even if it contains Terramate files.

However, code located inside such a directory can still be imported.

Terramate Configuration Schema

The terramate configuration is defined by the following top-level blocks:

terramate block schema

For detailed information about this block, see the Project Configuration docs.

The terramate block has no labels, supports merging and has the following schema:

required_versionstringversion constraint
required_version_allow_prereleasesboolEnable prerelease matches in the required_version constraint.
configblockproject configuration

terramate.config block schema

The terramate.config block has no labels and has the following schema:

gitblockgit configuration
disable_safeguardsset(string)list of safeguards to be disabled

terramate.config.git block schema

The terramate.config.git block has no labels and has the following schema:

default_branchstringThe default git branch
default_remotestringThe default git remote
default_branch_base_refstringThe default git branch base reference
check_untrackedboolean(DEPRECATED) Enable check of untracked filestrue
check_uncommittedboolean(DEPRECATED) Enable check of uncommitted filestrue
check_remoteboolean(DEPRECATED) Enable checking if local main is updated with remotetrue

terramate.config.generate block schema

The terramate.config.generate block has no labels and has the following schema:

hcl_magic_header_comment_stylestringThe comment style used in `generate_hcl`` blocks"//"

terramate.config.change_detection block schema

The terramate.config.change_detection block has no labels and has the following schema:

terragruntblockterragrunt change detection configuration

terramate.config.change_detection.terragrunt block schema

The terramate.config.change_detection.terragrunt block has no labels and has the following schema:

enabledstring"auto" or "force" or "off""auto" block schema

The block has no labels and has the following schema:

check_gen_codeboolean(DEPRECATED) Enable check for up to date generated codetrue block schema

The block has no labels and it allows arbitrary attributes. Each attribute must evaluate to a string.

More details can be found here.

The block has no labels and is used to set the Terramate Cloud configuration with the following schema:

locationstring"us" or "eu""eu"
organizationstringdefault organization name to sync with Terramate Cloud

stack block schema

The stack block has no labels, does not support merging and has the following schema:

idstringThe id of the stack
namestringThe name of the stack
descriptionstringThe description of the stack
tagslist(string)The tags of the stack
beforelist(string)The list of before stacks. See ordering docs.
afterlist(string)The list of after stacks. See ordering docs
wantslist(string)The list of wanted stacks. See ordering docs
watchlist(string)The list of watch files. See change detection for details

assert block schema

The assert block has no labels, does not support merging, can be defined multiple times and has the following schema:

assertionbooleanIf true assertion passed, fails otherwise
warningbooleanTrue if the assertion is a warning
messagestringMessage to show if assertion fails

globals block schema

The globals block accepts any number of labels, supports merging, accepts any attribute and supports any number of map blocks.

For more information about globals, see the Globals documentation.

map block schema

The map block can only be used inside the globals block, requires 1 label and optionally accepts a value.

for_eachlist(any)The input list
keystringThe computed key
valueanyThe value for the key
valueblock*value properties

The value block and the value attribute cannot be used together.

value block schema

The value block does not support labels. It accepts multiple attributes of any name and value of type any. It supports any number of nested map blocks.

generate_file block schema

The generate_file block requires one label, do not support merging and has the following schema:

letsblock*lets variables
conditionboolThe condition for generation
inheritboolIf the block must be inherited in child stacks
contentstringThe content to be generated

For detailed documentation about this block, see the File Code Generation docs.

generate_hcl block schema

The generate_hcl block requires one label, do not support merging and has the following schema:

letsblock*lets variables
conditionboolThe condition for generation
inheritboolIf the block must be inherited in child stacks
contentblockThe content to be generated

For detailed documentation about this block, see the HCL Code Generation docs.

lets block schema

The lets block has no labels, supports merging of blocks in the same level, accepts any attribute and supports any number of map blocks.

generate_hcl.content block schema

The generate_hcl.content block has no labels and accepts any valid HCL.

import block schema

The import block has no labels, do not supports merging and has the following schema:

sourcestringThe file path to be imported

script block schema

The script block has multiple labels, do not supports merging and has the following schema:

namestringThe script name
descriptionstringThe script description
letsblock*lets local variables
jobblock*The script job

job block schema

namestringThe job name
descriptionstringThe job description
commandlist of stringThe command to be executed
commandslist of (list of string)The commands to be executed

vendor block schema

The vendor block has no labels, do not support merging and has the following schema:

dirstringAbsolute path relative to root where vendored projects will be downloaded
manifestblockThe manifest for which files to vendor

vendor.manifest block schema

The vendor.manifest block has no labels, do not support merging and has the following schema:

defaultblockThe default manifest

vendor.manifest.default block schema

The vendor.manifest.default block has no labels, do not support merging and has the following schema:

fileslist(string)The list of patterns to match selected files. The pattern format is the same of gitignore