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The terramate list command lists all Terramate stacks in the current directory recursively. These can be additionally filtered based on Terramate Cloud status with the --status=<status> filter (valid statuses are documented on the trigger page)


terramate list [options]


List all stacks in the current directory recursively:

terramate list

List all stacks in the current directory sorted by order of execution:

terramate list --run-order

Explicitly change the working directory:

terramate list --chdir path/to/directory

List all stacks below the current directory that have a "drifted" status on Terramate Cloud

terramate list --status=drifted


  • -C, --chdir=<path>: Set the working directory.
  • -B, --git-change-base=<ref>: Specify the Git base ref for computing changes.
  • -c, --changed: Filter stacks by changed infrastructure.
  • --tags=<tags>: Filter stacks by tags. Use ":" for logical AND and "," for logical OR. Examples:
    • --tags=app:prod filters stacks containing tag "app" AND "prod".
    • If multiple --tags options are provided, an OR expression is created. Example: --tags=a --tags=b is the same as --tags=a,b.
  • --no-tags=<no-tags>: Filter stacks that do not have the given tags.
  • --log-level=<level>: Set the log level. Possible values include 'disabled', 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', or 'fatal'.
  • --log-fmt=<format>: Choose the log format. Options are 'console', 'text', or 'json'.
  • --log-destination=<destination>: Set the destination of log messages. Default is stderr.
  • --quiet: Disable output.
  • -v, --verbose=<level>: Increase the verbosity of the output. The level is optional and defaults to 0 if not specified.
  • --why: Show the reason why a stack has changed.
  • --status=<status>: Filter by status on Terramate Cloud.
    • If the experimental deployment targets option is enabled, --target is required (see run).
  • --run-order: Sort stacks by order of execution.****