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Understanding the basics of Terramate

This tutorial showcases how Terramate can enhance your Terraform workflows by providing powerful features like code generation, stack management, orchestration, and change detection. By following this guide, you should have a good understanding of how to set up and use Terramate for efficient infrastructure management.

Sören Martius
Sören Martius
· min read
Understanding the basics of Terramate

Terramate is a code generator and orchestrator for Terraform that adds powerful capabilities such as code generation, stacks, orchestration, change detection, globals and more to Terraform.

This tutorial will demonstrate the basic concepts behind Terramate and give you some ideas for how a filesystem-oriented code generator can help you to manage your Terraform code at scale more efficiently.

So that anyone can try Terramate without needing a cloud account, we will use only the local_file resource to create a static site demonstrating the basic principles behind Terramate. The only prerequisites are local installations of Terramate, Terraform and Git.

We launched a Terramate Discord Server for you to ask questions about Terramate, suggest new features, connect with other members and broaden your circle to learn from one another. If you are working with Terramate, we recommend you join!


Set up Terramate

If you haven’t installed Terramate yet, please choose one of the various existing ways how to install Terramate in

Start by creating a new directory and create a file there called with the contents:

# file:

terramate {
  config {

Terramate uses the filesystem as its hierarchy and needs to know the project’s root. In most circumstances, this would be the git root, but we’re explicitly marking the root with a blank config for now.

Next, cd into the new directory and run:

$ terramate create mysite

This creates a directory called mysite and a file inside called containing a stack {} block:

# file:

stack {
  name        = "mysite"
  description = "mysite"
  id          = "3b08c008-f0b2-4d01-8021-4c523199123e"

Any file with the extension .tm or .tm.hcl is recognized by Terramate and any Terramate file that contains a stack {} block is recognized as a stack.

A stack is just a directory where Terramate will generate terraform files, nothing more. Moreover, there is nothing special about this file and it can be generated manually without the ID or the terramate create command. However, it’s preferable to generate unique IDs for our stacks because, as we build more complex infrastructures, they allow us to reference stacks directly rather than using relative paths, which makes refactoring painful.

If we now run terramate list we should see our mysite/ directory as a listed stack. (If you don't see it, you are probably running in the wrong directory; Terramate always uses the current working directory as the context for the command.) So, we have created a stack, but currently, it does nothing. We can run the command to generate our Terraform code and run cleanly, but it will do nothing.

$ terramate generate 
Nothing to do, generated code is up to date

Terramate Code Generation

Let’s make it do something. Append the following to the mysite/ :

# file: mysite/
generate_hcl "" {
  content {
    resource "local_file" "mysite" {
      filename = "/tmp/tfmysite/index.html"
      content  = <<-EOF
          <title>My Website</title>

It should be clear from the code that this will generate an hcl file called which contains Terraform code for a local_file resource. Run terramate generate and it will create a file containing the content.

Creating native Terraform code is one feature that differentiates the Terramate approach from other solutions: No wrappers are necessary, just plain Terraform. If you cd into the directory and run terraform init and terraform apply it will do exactly what you expect: generate a local file in /tmp/tfmysite/index.html with the HTML code.

Using Terramate Globals to generate dynamic code

Now, let’s make the content dynamic. Terramate uses variables called Globals. These can be defined in any Terramate file in any directory in a globals {} block. Each directory inherits all of the parent directory's globals and overwrites any with the same value. There are no complex precedence rules. The only rule is that sub-directories overwrite their parents if they declare a global of the same name. Simple!

So let’s define our title as a global in the root. Create a file in the root of the repository called and put the following in:

# file:

globals {
  title = "My Website"

Note that there is nothing special about the name and we could have put it in the existing because all Terramate files are merged at runtime (similar to how Terraform merges .tf files). This simplicity allows great flexibility to fit the way you choose to work.

Now in the mysite/ file, change the <title> to be <title>${global.title}</title> . If you now run terramate generate it should not change anything, but the title is now pulled from a global variable.

So, we have our working static site with a dynamic title, but now we’d like to split different versions into separate environments, development and production.

Modularising the code

Let’s move our mysite stack into a "module" (where "module" here means "code that's not a stack and we’d like to reuse" - nothing to do with terraform modules).

In the project root, run:

mkdir -p modules/mysite
mv mysite/ modules/mysite/
rm -r mysite

In modules/mysite/, remove the stack {} block, since we don't want to generate code directly here, now it’s in the modules directory. We only want to import it elsewhere. It should now only have the generate_hcl block, and terramate list should now show no stacks because nowhere in the file tree is there a Terramate file with a stack{} block.

$ cat modules/mysite/
generate_hcl "" {
  content {
    resource "local_file" "mysite" {
      filename = "/tmp/tfmysite/index.html"
      content  = <<-EOF

Let’s create production (prod) and development (dev) stacks. In the root dir:

terramate create dev/mysite
terramate create prod/mysite

You should now have a file structure that looks like this:


We want the mysite stack under the dev dir to be customized for a development environment and the same for prod. There are several ways to achieve this, but the simplest is to use more globals files situated in our environment subdirs. Since we can name them what we want, let's call them dev/ and prod/ :

# file: dev/

globals {
  env = "dev"
# file: prod/

globals {
  env = "prod"

So with this change, any stack we put under the prod directory will now inherit a global.env == "prod" (unless overwritten or explicitly unset), and the same for dev . Now we want our stack in each environment to import the mysite code, so in <env>/mysite/ we put the following:

# file: <env>/mysite/

import {
  source = "/modules/mysite/"

The only fix we need now is the output filename of the local_file (in the module at /modules/mysite/ ), which is currently hard-coded, meaning dev and prod will overwrite each other. To solve this, we could use ${global.env} in the path name, but let’s be fancy and use Terramate metadata ! In the modules/mysite/ file, change the local_file resource filename attribute to use the metadata ${terramate.stack.path.relative} :

# in: modules/mysite/
generate_hcl "" {
  content {
    resource "local_file" "mysite" {
      filename = "/tmp/tfmysite/${terramate.stack.path.relative}/index.html"

To run our Terraform, we could now cd into prod/mysite and dev/mysite and run the necessary Terraform commands since it's just Terraform code, but doing things manually is tedious and prone to error as we scale, so it better would be to utilize Terramate: terramate run will run any ad-hoc command (such as terraform init ) over the stacks we’ve created. In the project root directory, run terramate run terraform init :

$ terramate run terraform init
2023-04-06T14:32:47+01:00 ERR outdated code found action=checkOutdatedGeneratedCode() filename=dev/mysite/
2023-04-06T14:32:47+01:00 ERR outdated code found action=checkOutdatedGeneratedCode() filename=prod/mysite/
2023-04-06T14:32:47+01:00 FTL please run: 'terramate generate' to update generated code error="outdated generated code detected" action=checkOutdatedGeneratedCode()

Whoops. We should have run terramate generate before terramate run , but luckily Terramate knew that the generated code needed to be updated and it prevented us from running Terraform and performing actions we didn't want on outdated code.

So run terramate generate , then terramate run terraform init again. You should now see Terraform initializing sequentially in dev and then prod . terramate run executes in filesystem order by default, but Terramate can control the order of execution if needed.

Now run:

$ terramate run terraform apply

After approving, you should now have the rendered HTML files at /tmp/tfmysite/<env>/mysite/index.html

Terramate Orchestration with Change Detection

To finish this quick introduction, let’s look at the globals precedence and one of Terramate’s most powerful features: change detection. Change detection is expected to be run in a CI-CD pipeline and requires a working git with a remote repository, so go to the root of your project and run

git init -b main
git add *
git commit -m 'initial commit'

and then set up a temporary local git remote to push to:

fake_github=$(mktemp -d)
git init -b main "${fake_github}" --bare
git remote add origin "${fake_github}"
git push --set-upstream origin main

In your project dir, git remote should now look something like this:

$ git remote -v
origin  /var/folders/dt/z_q3n2cs6r18364fhpbzzzmr0000gn/T/tmp.4ndijOue (fetch)
origin  /var/folders/dt/z_q3n2cs6r18364fhpbzzzmr0000gn/T/tmp.4ndijOue (push)

Let’s imagine we have a request to change the title for users when we’re looking at dev. Let’s follow the git workflow as if we were using GitHub, which will allow us to demonstrate change management. First, we create a new branch:

git checkout -b change-dev-title

Now, we want to overwrite the mysite title only in dev . Currently, global.title is set in the root . As stated earlier, globals are inherited through the filesystem traversal so that we can overwrite global.title in any Terramate file in any parent of the stack (either dev/ or dev/mysite/ ).

Let’s add it in dev/ :

globals {
  env   = "dev"
  title = "THIS IS DEV"

As we build more complex stacks, seeing how the globals are evaluated in each stack can be helpful. To do this, run the (experimental — we’re still working on it) command terramate experimental globals :

$ terramate experimental globals
stack "/dev/mysite":
        env   = "dev"
        title = "THIS IS DEV"

stack "/prod/mysite":
        env   = "prod"
        title = "My Website"

Now run terramate generate. You should see that it modified the dev/mysite/ :

$ terramate generate
Code generation report


- /dev/mysite

Hint: '+', '~' and '-' means the file was created, changed and deleted, respectively.

Commit the changed files with git commit -am 'changed dev title' and then run terramate list --changed . This shows you which stacks have outstanding changes from the main branch:

$ terramate list --changed

If you now run terramate run --changed terraform apply , it will run the apply Only against the changed stacks. At Terramate, this change detection (via a GitHub Action) is a key part of our workflow, allowing us to quickly and reliably build our large-scale infrastructure, and we hope it can help you do the same.


Hopefully, this tutorial helped you understand the fundamentals of Terramate and see where its simple code generation model using the filesystem hierarchy can help you organize your codebase and make it DRY without getting in your way.

Terramate is flexible, and there’s a lot more to explore , but we believe its power lies in its simplicity which allows you to integrate it easily, however, you work, without having to invest in learning yet another API or complex tooling that further abstracts you from the native terraform code you’ve already built.

And if Terramate turns out not to work for you, no problem: just rm all the *.tm{,.hcl} files, and you're left with plain Terraform!

If you have questions or feature requests regarding Terramate, please join our Discord Community or create an issue in the Github repository .

This article was originally written by Kyle Knight , a Senior Platform Engineer at Terramate.

Soren is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Terramate. Prior to founding Terramate, he consulted companies such as Flink and 1Komma5 on designing and implementing cloud and internal developer platforms.